Category: About


Corcoran’s Shop with a Cop Program

This Holiday season, Ebert Construction is supporting a great cause that the Corcoran Police Department is sponsoring.  The Corcoran Police Department has been gathering gift cards to Target stores for their annual “Shop with a Cop” event, so that they can bring less fortunate children in the community shopping.  Each child that is selected to participate gets to go on a Target shopping spree with a Corcoran Police Officer to purchase items for both themselves and their families.  This is a wonderful way to spread holiday cheer to children and families in the community and we are thrilled to be a part of it!


Wayzata Rock

This fall, Markus Ebert, of Ebert Construction played a large role in helping the students start a spirited tradition at Wayzata High School.  The Class of 2017 approached their administration last spring about getting a rock to place in front of the school to decorate with paint to bolster school spirit.  After hearing the request from the Wayzata staff, Markus was happy to help instill the new tradition by donating the 8,000 pound rock to the cause.  The rock will be kept up by the Senior Class each year and has already changed coats five times since its initial arrival this past September.  The rock has encouraged school spirit and connected the individuals at Wayzata High School through both celebratory and difficult times.  We are proud to have been part of helping to start the school’s new tradition!


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